DxNodule AI Screen: Improved lung nodule detection for an efficient workflow

DxNodule AI Screen: Improved lung nodule detection for an efficient workflow

Introduction : DxNodule AI Screen is a state-of-the-art Artificial Intelligence solution that

detects lung nodules on digital chest radiographs with an AUC of 90.5%. DxNodule AI Screen takes chest radiograph as input and generates masks on suspected locations of a nodule(s) as output. A web portal and user interface (UI) are provided to radiologists to evaluate radiographs.


Results : 

DxNodule AI Screen Performance: A total of 308 chest radiographs were used in the study. DxNodule AI Screen detected nodules in 80 out of 103 radiographs with an AUC of 90.5%.


Reader Performance : Eleven readers reviewed 308 radiographs with or without the aid

of the tool. Assistance from the DxNodule AI screen resulted in an overall increase in AUC from 0.798 to 0.846.


Conclusion : DxNodule AI Screen from DeepTek outperformed human readers in detecting nodules on chest radiographs and enhanced human readers’ performances when used as an aid.

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